Harts Nursery pty ltd
About Harts
Harts Nursery is owned and operated by Kerrie, Denise & Chris Hart
Harts is a wholesale production nursery that has been operating for 65 years growing a large range of quality indoor, patio, exotic outdoor and agricultural plants. Over the years Harts have built a reputation within the industry for the production of high stock.
The nursery is situated in the Gold Coast hinterland on a sprawling 75 acre block, giving space for the business to continue to evolve and grow.
Harts are also part of a promotional group within Australia called T.O.P.S. Tropical Ornamental Plant Supplies which specialise in sourcing and promoting new plant lines. This group has been operating for some 40 years.
Your plants
- Grown from start to finish -
Deflasking tissue culture or propagating from soft or hard wood cuttings. All processed and grown in our advanced facilities
All media made on site to ensure quality control, growing in pots from 80mm up to 250mm
All growing areas are under protective structures, whether it be glasshouses, solarweave covered buildings or shade cloth bushouses
Dispatching regularly across QLD, NSW
Ability to dispatch into VIC, SA, TAS & WA
Quality That speaks for itself
Attention to detail
- Contact us here -
- Contact us here -
Interested in working together? Fill out the below form and we will be in touch.
Wholesale only - Not open to the public